Author: barba
Prompting Tests
Testing prompts to create an image using Gen AI using Microsoft’s Designer Image Creator.
“A photo realistic picture of long shelf over an old but well cared for wooden floor which you can only see a small strech of it. The shelf goes from the floor, up to the ceiling, completely filled with vinyl records, with sleeves of different colours. There is light in the room but you can’t see it’s source. The image should have a squared aspect.”

Mar de Gente
Ontem na Avenida da Liberdade em Lisboa.

Fotografia por EPA/Tiago Petinga, publicada no Diário de Notícias.
25 de Abril Sempre!
Dystopian Fast Food
Éme e Banda
Sábado, dia 13 de Abril há concerto na Sala Lisa, no 5 da Rua das Gaivotas.
War. War Never Changes.
The Price of Music
“Steve Lamacq and Music Ally’s Stuart Dredge take a weekly look at the money behind the music industry.”
Simon Stålenhag
O trabalho deste senhor, Simon Stålenhag.