Montjuic, a ser casa emprestada, mais uma vez, agora ao FC Barcelona.
O futuro passa por aqui, e podem ler sobre assunto aqui (se conseguirem).

Fotografia por Eric Alonso / Getty Images.
Miguel Barba's blog
Montjuic, a ser casa emprestada, mais uma vez, agora ao FC Barcelona.
O futuro passa por aqui, e podem ler sobre assunto aqui (se conseguirem).
Fotografia por Eric Alonso / Getty Images.
FC St. Pauli. Clubes com espinha dorsal.
A conquista do scudetto pelo Nápoles, vivida pelo Robert Del Nadja, dos Massive Attack.
Leitura fantástica no The Athletic.
The party was very wild, but noticeably peaceful and, most importantly, spontaneous. On his walk back from Fuorigrotta, where the ground is situated, through the tunnel to the seafront promenade Lungomare and on to Piazza del Plebiscito, the classicist municipal square, Del Naja encountered many different groups who were all celebrating the championship in their own way, with their own songs and little rituals. “What was great about it was the mass civic spontaneity. People celebrated the victory everywhere, in themselves, in their hearts.”
Robert Del Nadja